Minggu, 22 November 2015

PDF⋙ In the Mouth of the Tiger by Derek Emerson-Elliott, Lynette Silver

In the Mouth of the Tiger by Derek Emerson-Elliott, Lynette Silver

In the Mouth of the Tiger

In the Mouth of the Tiger by Derek Emerson-Elliott, Lynette Silver PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Set in the turbulent years just before and after World War Two, and based on a true story, In the Mouth of the Tiger has it all: adventure, romance, suspense, and action that jumps from Malaya and Singapore to Australia and England. Nona Orlov, a young Russian refugee abandoned in colonial Penang, falls in love with an Englishman who catapults her into a life of luxury and wealth. But Denis Elesmere-Elliott has dark secrets, and Nona finds herself confronted with a world of treachery, violence, and death beyond her imagining. As the mysteries multiply, Nona realizes that, if she is to survive, her courage must match those of the tigers that frequent the jungles around her.

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