Energy Anatomy by Caroline Myss
Energy Anatomy by Caroline Myss PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
We stand at the threshold of a new era in medicine and healing. Today, instead of looking at the human body as a biological machine, we know it is a vast energetic network, where spirit, matter, and power intersect.On Energy Anatomy, Caroline Myss teaches how the human body encodes thought, converts it into matter, and stores it as energy within specific areas of the body. After working with thousands of patients, Myss decoded the process of how these energy centers work―linked specific illnesses with past emotional traumas―and solved the puzzle of why some people heal, while others don’t.
With Energy Anatomy, Caroline Myss’ foundational learning course, you will learn how to take back control over your life and your health. In 12 step-by-step sessions, you learn every phase of her groundbreaking work. Join her along this path of insight into the human energy system and learn the part of the healing equation overlooked by conventional medicine: your own spirit’s unlimited capacity for self-healing and divine connection.
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