Rick Steves' Italy Map: Including Rome, Florence, Venice and Siena City by Rick Steves
Rick Steves' Italy Map: Including Rome, Florence, Venice and Siena City by Rick Steves PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
• Cuts the Clutter: While big cities are left for navigational purposes, this map is otherwise stripped clean and filled in only with places that matter to travelers.
• Guidebook-Friendly: At a glance, all the places you read about in Rick's Italy, Rome, Venice and Florence guidebooks pop right out in a crisp, easy-to-read format
• Rail or Road: Includes important train lines and highways (and ferry routes) for easy route-planning, no matter how you'll get around.
• The Back's Even Better: The reverse side includes detailed city-center maps of Rome, Venice and Florence, locating sights, hotels and restaurants from Rick's city guidebooks.
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