Figures: A Project in St. Petersburg 2010-2012 by Rob Krier
Figures: A Project in St. Petersburg 2010-2012 by Rob Krier PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Among contemporary architectural theorists and practitioners Rob Krier is one of the most controversial and respected. Born in Luxembourg in 1938 he is known worldwide for his masterful architectural accomplishments through projects such as De Resident in The Hague (1993–2001), or the Cité Judiciaire in Luxembourg (1992–2008). Besides his actual profession Krier has for years also made a vocation of his love of art.In his contribution to the European Embankment project in St. Petersburg, Krier recently demonstrated the power of architecture and fine art to cross-fertilise. He designed the façade for a 132-metres long building on the Newa riverbank—one that looks across the water onto the rear façade of the Hermitage for which he modelled more than 50 figures in white clay, as well as around 65 linear metres of reliefs.
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