Space Law: The Treaties
Space Law: The Treaties PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The term "Space Law" refers to the body of inter-national and national laws and customs governing human activities in outer space. For the past half century, the majority of outer space operations have been conducted by government agencies. We now, however, stand at the precipice of a new era in spaceflight. Following the retirement of the Space Shuttle, private companies are preparing to assume many of the missions traditionally undertaken by governments and to open outer space to the general public. At the same time, questions of ownership and commercialization, environmental protection, as well as peaceful and equitable use of outer space, are rising. As space activities grow, space law will have to face new challenges. The Global Law Association 'Space Law Project' aims to provide a network for academics, students, scientists and practitioners interested in Space Law. Our purpose in this volume is to gather the essential texts of Space Law into a booklet for easy reference.From reader reviews:
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