Minggu, 10 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Great American Homes: William T. Baker (Volume 2) by William T. Baker

Great American Homes: William T. Baker (Volume 2) by William T. Baker

Great American Homes: William T. Baker (Volume 2)

Great American Homes: William T. Baker (Volume 2) by William T. Baker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book features an insightful introduction which contributes to a deeper understanding of the history of classical architecture in the USA
Great American Homes: William T. Baker is IMAGES' third monograph on this outstanding new classicist.

William T. Baker's work is inspired by the bounty of classical architecture found in the grand homes of the southern United States, particularly the state of Georgia. The hallmarks of his architecture are extraordinary attention to details of craftsmanship and construction, and a keen eye for scale and proportion.

Throughout the pages of this richly illustrated book, we meet the families who have entrusted him with their dreams and visions and whose trust has been rewarded with classically inspired homes of grace and beauty. His work contributes greatly to some of the most aesthetically pleasing residences being built in the United States today.

Also available:
Great American Homes ISBN: 9781864704341

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Great American Homes: William T. Baker (Volume 2) by William T. Baker EPub

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