Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ The Art of Lizzat Al-Nisa': Erotic miniatures from a 19th century Persian manuscript by Palatino Press

The Art of Lizzat Al-Nisa': Erotic miniatures from a 19th century Persian manuscript by Palatino Press

The Art of Lizzat Al-Nisa': Erotic miniatures from a 19th century Persian manuscript

The Art of Lizzat Al-Nisa': Erotic miniatures from a 19th century Persian manuscript by Palatino Press PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An album of 52 full page color plates

Lizzat Al-Nisa’ or ‘Pleasures of Women’ was written by Ziya' al-Din Nakhshabi, a Persian physician living in India in the 14th century. The book is derived from the Sanskrit treatise on sex Ratirahasya or ‘Secrets of Love’, and comprises 10 parts, covering such topics as the types of intercourse and foods and medicines with aphrodisiac effects. The miniatures in this collection are from an 1824 manuscript held by the Wellcome Library, London.

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