Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Primarily Logic, Grades 2-4 by Judy Leimbach

Primarily Logic, Grades 2-4 by Judy Leimbach

Primarily Logic, Grades 2-4

Primarily Logic, Grades 2-4 by Judy Leimbach PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It's never too early to start building thinking skills―skills that will spill over into other areas of the curriculum and into real life. Primarily Logic consists of a series of units designed to introduce logical thinking to young students. It is an excellent, easy-to-use starting point for teaching well-established forms of logical thinking. Each skill is introduced with examples, and then worksheets give students an opportunity to practice the skill. Group lessons and worksheets provide practice in:
  • finding relationships,
  • analogies,
  • thinking logically using "all" and "none" statements,
  • syllogisms, and
  • deductive reasoning using logic puzzles.
Logical thinking is both enjoyable and challenging for students as they build a sound foundation for further instruction in critical thinking. Suggestions for related activities are included in the Instructions for Teachers section.

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