Jumat, 19 September 2014

PDF⋙ Revelation: The Past and Future of John's Apocalypse by Gerald L. Stevens

Revelation: The Past and Future of John's Apocalypse by Gerald L. Stevens

Revelation: The Past and Future of John's Apocalypse

Revelation: The Past and Future of John's Apocalypse by Gerald L. Stevens PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This three-part study covers the history of interpretation, theological foundations, and exegesis. Copious illustrations from the author's worldwide travels enhance discussion of Rome's emperors, empire, and ideology as the premier horizon for understanding John's immediate context and meaning. Distinctive contributions include Stevens' effort to re-canonize Revelation by insisting on gospel concord, methodically interpreting all of Revelation through the lens of the seven churches and showing how Revelation's imagery consistently relates more to the incarnation than the Parousia. Stevens bypasses traditional millennial options to argue that Revelation is "passion-millennial"-the passion of Jesus predicates the passion of the church. Under Stevens' hands, Revelation becomes eminently sensible to the original audience and powerfully pertinent for today's church.

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