Into the Wilderness (Blood of the Lamb) by Mandy Hager
Into the Wilderness (Blood of the Lamb) by Mandy Hager PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Award-caliber social science fiction with a strong message about race and the abuse of religious faith by those in power.Maryam, Ruth, and Joseph have fled Onewēre, reluctantly taking Joseph's troublesome cousin, Lazarus, as well. They arrive at their destination, Marawa Island, filled with hope for rescue and reprieve. But at first glance the island appears to be solely populated by birds. Perhaps the Apostles' dire warnings about the fall-out of the Tribulation were true after all?
As Maryam and Joseph experience all the topsy-turvy misunderstandings and sexual tension first love entails, the antagonism between Maryam and Lazarus reaches explosive proportions. But when disaster brings the crushing realization that time is now against them, all four must decide just who they can risk turning to for help.
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