Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Netted Beadwork (Beadwork How-To) by Diane Fitzgerald

Netted Beadwork (Beadwork How-To) by Diane Fitzgerald

Netted Beadwork (Beadwork How-To)

Netted Beadwork (Beadwork How-To) by Diane Fitzgerald PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Seventeen projects ranging from flowers and leaves for embellishment to beautifully executed bracelets and necklaces are presented with copious illustrations to ensure success for beadworkers of all levels of experience. An extensive history of netted beadwork is incorporated with examples from vastly diverse cultures and places including India, America, Europe, the Ukraine, South Africa, Malaysia, and Egypt. Detailed historic photographs accompany the intriguing text, and a gallery of netted beadwork from nationally known artisans provides inspiration for individual expression.

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