Minggu, 06 April 2014

PDF⋙ Jigsaw Sudoku - 200 Hard Puzzles 9x9 (Volume 1) by Sergii Tolmachov

Jigsaw Sudoku - 200 Hard Puzzles 9x9 (Volume 1) by Sergii Tolmachov

Jigsaw Sudoku - 200 Hard Puzzles 9x9 (Volume 1)

Jigsaw Sudoku - 200 Hard Puzzles 9x9 (Volume 1) by Sergii Tolmachov PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Jigsaw Sudoku ("Geometry Sudoku", "Geometry Number Place", "Irregular Sudoku", "Kikagaku Nanpure") are very similar to regular Sudoku puzzles, but instead of 3x3 blocks, they are divided into irregular jigsaw-like shapes. Each row, column and jigsaw shape contains all of the digits 1 thru 9. In a Jigsaw Sudoku, these areas are random shapes as opposed to squares. The areas will always contain nine cells, so that the same standard Sudoku rules can still apply.

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