Korean Perspectives on Ocean Law Issues for the 21st Century (Nijhoff Law Specials) by Choung Chee
Korean Perspectives on Ocean Law Issues for the 21st Century (Nijhoff Law Specials) by Choung Chee PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The papers in this work cover a range of issues related to the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention. They reflect the author's long experience on ocean matters and are written from a Korean perspective. The main essay "The Legal Status of Dok Island in International Law" is an advocacy piece. It explains the historical basis for the dispute over this island, and carefully presents the perspective of the Korean government on this issue. The publication of these papers provides an important addition to any library where scholars and students are looking for a comprehensive perspective on various issues of ocean law and policy. They provide an inside view of all activities now underway to implement the Law of the Sea Convention and the Straddling and Migratory Stocks Agreement.From reader reviews:
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